Van K. Nguyen, Ph.D Deparment
of Software Engineering, Software Engineering and Distributed Computing
Lab. (SEDIC)
Probability for Computing (Toán Chuyên đề/Mô hình và thuật toán Internet phổ biến/ Xác suất và thuật toán) – updated by 5/2013
Information Security (Master program)
Object-Oriented Programming and Design
Information Security (Standard/ICT/The Talented Engineer Program)
Introduction to Cryptography (USTH)
In Vietnamese:
Danh sách đề tài Graduate Research (cho s/v Hedspi và ICT)
Hướng dẫn viết luận văn tốt nghiệp (under construction)
Một số định hướng đề tài ĐATN cho sinh viên năm cuối (bảo vệ 2010)
§ Khanh-Van Nguyen, Hieu Nguyen, Le Nguyen, et al., “Energy-efficient routing in the proximity of a complicated hole in wireless sensor networks”, Wireless Networks (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-021-02569-3
§ Chi-Hieu Nguyen, Chung T. Kieu, Khanh-Van Nguyen: “Efficient Landmark-Based Compact Routing for Random Interconnection Topologies”. RIVF 2019 – Best paper award
§ Phi-Le Nguyen, Yusheng Ji, Zhi Liu, Huy Vu, Khanh-Van Nguyen: “Distributed hole-bypassing protocol in WSNs with constant stretch and load balancing”. Computer Networks 129: 232-250 (2017)
§ Khanh-Van Nguyen, Phi-Le Nguyen, Quoc Huy Vu, Tien Van Do: “An energy efficient and load balanced distributed routing scheme for wireless sensor networks with holes”. Journal of Systems and Software 123: 92-105 (2017)
Nguyen T. Truong, Ikki Fujiwara, Michihiro Koibuchi, Khanh-Van Nguyen: “Distributed
Shortcut Networks: Low-Latency Low-Degree Non-Random Topologies Targeting the
Diameter and Cable Length Trade-Off”. IEEE Trans.
Parallel Distrib. Syst. 28(4): 989-1001 (2017)
§ Duc-Trong Nguyen, Nguyen Phi Le, Phan Van Hau, Khanh-Van Nguyen: “A Distributed Protocol for Detecting and Updating Hole Boundary in Wireless Sensor Networks”. SoICT 2015: 171-178 – Best paper award
Good old ones:
§ Van Nguyen & Chip Martel, “Analyzing and characterizing small-world graphs”, in Proc. of the 16th ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA’2005. Full paper.
§ Chip Martel & Van Nguyen, “Analyzing Kleinberg’s (and other) Small-World Models”, in Proc. of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing PODC’2004. Full paper.