Introduction to this dataset


  • Data
    • Gesture (01, 02, 03,...,32)
      • Subject
        • Side (front, left, right, top)
          • File

Data Statistics

hand 1 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2 hand 2

  • ✓ 32 static hand-gesture classes.
  • ✓ 33471 samples of RGB images
  • ✓ 1,069 images for each gesture
  • ✓ File extensions:.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .heic.
  • ✓ High resolution of 4128 × 3096.
  • ✓ Subjects: 10 males and 10 females

Copyright Notes

The databases is released for research and educational purposes. We hold no liability for any undesirable consepuences of using the database. All right of the Hand Gesture Dataset are reserved.

If you use our dataset, please kindly cite the following paper:

  • citation paper 1
  • citation paper 2
  • citation paper 3
