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Personal information

Fullname: Khoat Than (Thân Quang Khoát)

Affiliation: Associate Professor, School of Information & Communication Technology,

Hanoi University of Science and Technology

(Đại Học Bách Khoa Hà Nội)

Address: Room 706, Building B1, No. 1, Dai Co Viet road, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Email: khoattq @ soict dot hust dot edu dot vn






Research interests:

-        Machine Learning: deep learning, deep generative models, learning theory, online learning, continual learning

-        Application: social network analysis, recommendation systems, NLP, computer vision, …


-        VINIF (2022-2024): Investigator, VN

-        VINIF (2019-2022): Principle Investigator (Director), VN

-        ARL (2019-2022): Investigator, USA

-        NAFOSTED (2019-2021): Investigator, Vietnam

-        ONRG (2018-2020): Principle Investigator (Director), USA

-        NAFOSTED (2015-2017): Principle Investigator (Director), Vietnam

-        AFOSR (2015-2017): Principle Investigator (Director), USA

-        VIASM (2016): Investigator, Vietnam

-        Vietnam Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (2015-2017): Investigator, Vietnam

Academic activities:

-       Program committee member:

ICML (2025, 2019--2017, Rank A+): International Conference on Machine Learning

NeurIPS (2022--2017, Rank A+): Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

IJCAI (2021--2016, Rank A+): International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

ICLR (2025, 2021, 2018): International Conference on Learning Representations

PAKDD (2022--2015, Rank A): Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,

ACML (2019--2014): Asian Conference on Machine Learning,



-       PC co-chair: PhD Colloquium at DASFAA 2015 (The 20th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications - Rank A)

-        Organizing member:

Summer schools at Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), 2012, 2018, 2023.

Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Hanoi, 2024.

Invited talks:

-        Summer School on “From Data to Humans: (re)Tracing Artificial Intelligence - D2H-AI”. University of Trento, Italy, July 2024.

-        Why do deep neural networks perform really well? A guarantee from normalization methods. Summer School On Recent Advances in Deep Learning. Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics, 2023.

-        Guaranteed continual learning without forgetting. Japan-Vietnam AI Forum, Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics, 2023.

-        Generative models. SOICT Summer School on Data Science, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 2021.

-        Generative models. Maths For Data Science. Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics, November 2020.

-        Can machines learn continuously: a tutorial of the Bayesian approach. AI4VN Summit, Hanoi, 2019.

-        How to make a machine learn continuously: a tutorial of the Bayesian approach. Army Research Laboratory, Washington, USA, 2019.

-        Stochastic bayesian learning from big and streaming data. Nagoya & HUST Summer school on Artificial Intelligence, Hanoi, August 2018.

-        Probabilistic topic modeling for recovering hidden structures from massive data. Kyoto University, 2017.

-        Probabilistic topic modeling for recovering hidden structures from massive data. The International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making (IUKM), Da Nang, 2016.


Sweet cakes:

-        Oral, Top 2% of all submissions at AAAI 2024: Viet Nguyen, Giang Vu, Tung Nguyen Thanh, Toan Tran, Khoat Than. “On inference stability for diffusion models”. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024.

-        Best Paper Runner-Up Award at SOICT 2023: Lam Tran, Viet Nguyen, Phi Nguyen, Khoat Than. “Sharpness and Gradient Aware Minimization for Memory-based Continual Learning. International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SOICT), 2023.

-        Best Student Paper Award at RIVF 2013: Duy Khuong Nguyen, Khoat Than, and Tu Bao Ho, Simplicial Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, In Proceedings of The 10th IEEE RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies, 2013.

-        Student Best Paper Award at RIVF 2008: Than Quang Khoat, On the Bounded Integer Programming. In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Research, Innovation & Vision for the Future - RIVF08, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, pages 23-28, 2008.


-       2019-2022: Visiting Scientist of VinAI Research

-       2015-2020: Director of Data Science Laboratory, SOICT, HUST

-       2018-now: Member of Data Science Laboratory, VIASM


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